This is a Notice of Corrections for the Original Version of the _Essay that you may find here: Please find the Corrected Version here:

Notice of Corrections: Julian Reid, “Reclaiming Possession: A Critique of the Discourse of Dispossession in Indigenous Studies,” On_Culture 5 (2018).

A corrected and amended version of the _Essay “Reclaiming Possession: A Critique of the Discourse of Dispossession in Indigenous Studies” by Julian Reid has been published, which originally appeared in On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture 5 (2018). The following corrections have been made: On page 6 of the Corrected Version, the author added a reference to Julian Reid/David Chandler: “‘Being in Being:’ Contesting the Ontopolitics of Indigeneity,” in The European Legacy 23.3 (2018), 251–268. On page 7, additional quotation marks were added to indicate one further citation of the referenced source. These corrections do not affect any of the results or conclusions of the _Essay.

In addition, the following amendments have been made: In footnote 23, the author added that his referenced pagination of the cited article refers to the online first version. In footnote 33, the author acknowledges similar observations in previously published work by others. These amendments do not affect any of the results or conclusions of the _Essay.

As of the publication date of August 15, 2019, reference should only be given to the Corrected Version of this _Essay.

The original version of the _Essay remains online both on the Journal’s webpage and in the long-term repository, but it is watermarked to indicate the available correction and to reference both this Notice of Corrections and the Corrected Version of the _Essay.


The Editorial Team of On_Culture

August 2019


URL for Corrected Article: <>

URL for Original Article: <>